Random Photos

Here are a bunch of random photos. Feel free to reload the page to see some more!

A random taste of photos:
Lacework clouds grace the Sedona sky at sunset.  A lone purple wisteria flower. Macro of natural salt.
\ Petrified wood in this desolate landscape has been fossilized and turned to stone. A big carpenter bee diving into the morning glory.
Overlapping rusty saw blades. Black silhouette of a tree against white clouds. Sun-bleached driftwood tree trunk on the beach.
Black birds sit atop tufa towers at Mono Lake. An old decrepit abandoned building in the toxic dead tree zone near Mammoth Mountain. (It was probably an emergency snow cabin or something.) Natural CO2 outgassing from a magma body beneath Mammoth Mountain asphyxiated more than 100 acres of trees near Horseshoe Lake in the early 1990s. The gasses become concentrated to deadly levels in enclosed structures such as cabins. A green, red, and black spotted bug on a Celosia leaf. (If you know the species, please let me know and I\'ll add the info! Maybe some kind of shield beetle?)
A fallen tree near Mammoth Mountain. Natural CO2 emissions from a magma body beneath Mammoth Mountain asphyxiated more than 100 acres of trees near Horseshoe Lake in the early 1990s. Painted Desert within the Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona. A strolling blackbird.
Perrine Bridge over the Snake River Canyon in Twin Falls, Idaho. A depth marker in a salt marsh shows stagnant green water to be lower than usual. A sky full of clouds threatens to rain on hills and a green plain.
A vacant paper wasp nest held in my fingertips. The nest is constructed of open hexagonal cells in which the young develop. Waimea Canyon, also known as the Grand Canyon of the Pacific. A shed cicada skin among orange Marigold flowers.
A \ Tufa towers at Mono Lake. A man stands on the beach, gazing toward Morro Rock.
Danger sign near Wailua Falls. Locals use it for target practice. It reads: “Danger. Do not go beyond wall. State of Hawaii Department of Land & Natural Resources.” Green hummingbird hovering at a backyard feeder. Macro of a natural pink salt marsh.
Upside down jellyfish with blue tentacles. A lone purple wisteria flower. A purple flower near Mammoth Mountain.
Photos available as Creative Commons unless otherwise noted on individual page.
Photos by artist Erin Metcalf of Eirewolf Creations.

Creative Commons 
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