Creative Commons photos by Eirewolf Creations

This site contains the Creative Commons photos available from Eirewolf Creations. Please note that some photos may have additional licensing notes, which will be reflected on the appropriate page.

These pictures may be used freely for any purpose (except where noted Non-Commercial Use Only). I ask that you attribute the original work to Eirewolf Creations (and link to this site where possible) if you are distributing it or derivatives of it, and/or if you are profiting from my work. Churches and other nonprofits may use these images unconditionally (for non-commercial purposes). Others may ask for permission to use my work without attribution on a case-by-case basis. Also, (this isn't a requirement, but) I would love to see how my pictures are being used!

Suggested uses: photomanipulation, PowerPoint or Keynote slides, brochures, flyers, desktop backgrounds, website graphics, collages, other art projects, educational purposes, etc. Have fun! :-) Click here to see my other (sculpture) artwork!

A random taste of photos:
Macro of bright red berries on a tree. Colorful rough-textured rock. A tight cluster of thin red-orange seaweed at the beach.
Tufa towers at Mono Lake. A bee coming in for a landing on a purple thistle. A boardwalk bridge spans stagnant green water in a salt marsh.
  • View All: Shows all photos on the site in reverse chronological order (i.e., most recent things first. This tends to be easier to use than browsing each category separately.
  • Random Photos: View several random photos or watch a single-photo slide show.
Photos available as Creative Commons unless otherwise noted on individual page.
Photos by artist Erin Metcalf of Eirewolf Creations.

Creative Commons 
This work by Eirewolf Creations is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at